
What Is A Passion Blog

This blog is going to help you find your passions and turn them into a profitable business. Does making money by doing what you love sounds like something you want? Read on to find out how Passion Projects can help!

Well, Hello there!

First things first: thank you for being here and checking out my very first blogpost. To be honest, it's not really my first blogpost. Over the years I've started many blogs: One about healthy living and my weightloss journey, one about fantastic fiction stories, one where I would share my short stories and one or two that I've completely forgotten about. Overtime, I just gave up on them. That's what I usually do. I tend to lose interest in things rather quickly.

My parents used to call all these short-term interests my "projects". I would get completely lost in a new subject, in a fantasy world or in teaching myself a new skill. My whole world and personality would revolve around that specific thing. I would sometimes even change my wardrobe or the people I hung out with based on my project. I'd basically shape my whole life around it.

Hello? Is there anybody else here?

I would completely immerse myself in whatever I was doing. My Pinterest account is so diverse, that I may have wondered if I had multiple personalities. Turns out it's just me in here. Just a very fickle me…

I had always viewed this as inability to finish something I started as a weakness. I would seldom see things completely through and I would give up. At least, for a long time that's how I felt. However, I've recently come to terms with the fact that I will probably never see all of my various projects through and I don't believe that is necessarily a bad thing.

The upside

My love and enthusiasm for the next new thing remains just as fiery as it was for the last. More importantly, it gives me the ability to focus completely on one thing, master it relatively quickly (or figure out it's just not for me) and go on to discover and learn more new things.

This ensured that I would find my passions rather quickly in life. Not everything I tried lost my interest. Writing for example is something I will always come back to. No matter what my project was, I always had a tendency to write about them. Hence the many, many blogs I started and eventually abandoned.

Some examples

As I said, I had many of these passion projects in my life. Just to name a few: writing, drawing, programming, Warhammer (the table top game), blogging, painting, working out and getting fit, cooking, being vegan, modern witchcraft, crystals, gaming, reading, Magic: the Gathering (collecting and playing), decorating my house…

To be honest, I could go on and on with this list. I've been interested in all these things over the last give or take twelve years and for a while they all were a big part of my life. Most of them were just phases. I tried them and for a while they kept me really busy, but I would move on from most of them and never look back.

Writing was my first love

However, as I mentioned: a few of them stuck. Like writing. I love writing, but what I like to write about changes with the wind. That doesn't make for a very consistent blog fit for a single readership. No matter how much I'd like that, that will never be for me.

No limits

That doesn't change the fact that I do want to write and share my stories and my interests with the world. I want to tell you about the cool stuff I'm doing, the things I've learned that worked fantastically and the things that I completely and utterly failed at. This is why I've started this new blog. Hopefully I will actually stick with this one, because it doesn't limit me to just one topic anymore.

What this blog can do for you

I can combine a lot of my passions and interests in this blog, but what's more important is what it can do for you. The purpose of this blog will be to help you discover your passions through passion projects and to eventually help you turn those passions into a profitable business.

I found the way to find my passions and I am dying to share those ways with you. The search for my own passions is neverending, so I'll be going on this journey with you. Together we'll work towards a passionate, happy life full of purpose.

The profitable business part I mentioned is something that will have to wait just a little while longer, as I'm figuring that out for myself. I promise to share whatever valuable lessons I learn about making money along the way! I wouldn't want to keep them from you anyway.

What will you find here?

On this blog you will find writings about all my passion projects. I will share tips and tricks on many different topics, cool ideas I've come up with, things I've learned along the way, great experiences I've had and generally anything that I really want to share with you.

I'm hoping that telling you about all this will pique your interest, so you will be motivated to start passion projects of your own. Let's find you something that makes you want to get up really early every morning, just because you can't wait to start working on your project! Life is just so much better with passion.

Blogging land

Everyone in blogging land will tell you to "find your niche", "target a specific audience" and "find your ideal reader". I bet that works just great for everyone who doesn't have this project problem.

The contents of this blog will be different and diverse, but also exciting. It's not just one thing I'm going to be writing about, it will be many different topics. At the very least, you'll have plenty to choose from!

Also, if you are still reading this and you are thinking "yeah, I like the sound of this", then hooray! YOU are my ideal reader (take that blogging land, I found this one all by myself!). I'd love to get in touch, so please feel free to message me on here (or on any of my social media) and let me know what you'd like to see on this blog! I'm writing it for you, after all.

For now, I really just want to thank you for reading my fifth (or is it sixth?) first ever blogpost and I sincerely hope to see you around!

With much love,

PS: If you have any suggestions on what I should post about on My Passion Projects in the future so I can help you in your search for passion and purpose, please let me know!

Why I started My Passion Projects & Why You Should Care

What Is A Passion Blog


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