
How To Draw Tiktok Logo

The TikTok icon aesthetic has become so easily recognisable because TikTok itself has really blown up in recent times, helped by lockdown and the global pandemic. More and more people are wanting to know how to draw the TikTok icon, so we thought we would include a short step by step guide on how to draw the TikTok Logo.

TikTok Icon Aesthetic- How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Completed Picture

We are going to be using soft pastels, but you could use crayons, markers or felt tips just as easily.

Table of Contents

TikTok Icon Aesthetic – How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 1 – Draw a Horizontal Line At the Top of Your Page

TikTok Icon Aesthetic – How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 2 – Draw A Curved Line Extending from the Horizontal One

TikTok Icon Aesthetic – How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 3 – Draw a Vertical Line The Same Length as The Horizontal One in Step 1

TTikTok Icon Aesthetic – How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 4 – Complete the Tail Shape with a Short Curved Line

TikTok Icon Aesthetic – How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 5 – Draw a Line Vertically Down the Page Before Curving Round to the Left

TikTok Icon Aesthetic – How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 6 – Complete the Inside of Your Semi-Circle

TikTok Icon Aesthetic – How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 7 Continue Upwards in A Straight Line

TikTok Icon Aesthetic – How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 8 – Shade in the Semi-Circle in Blue

TikTok Icon Aesthetic – How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 9 – Shade in the Other Side of the Semi-Circle

TikTok Icon Aesthetic – How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 10 – Using a Red Colour Trace the Outline 'Behind' Your D Shape

TikTok Icon Aesthetic – How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 1 – Draw a Horizontal Line At the Top of Your Page

Think of the completed TikTok icon as a musical note or slightly inverted 'd' shape. Using a dark colour (preferably black) draw a short, straight, horizontal line at the top of the page for the very top of your 'd' shape.

TikTok Icon Aesthetic – How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 2 – Draw A Curved Line Extending from the Horizontal One

This is the beginning of outline of the little tail at the top of your 'd' shape TikTok icon. See the picture and time lapse video to help. It will look a little like a stretched out 'c' on its back.

TikTok Icon Aesthetic – How to Draw the TikTok Logo Step 1+2

TikTok Icon Aesthetic – How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 3 – Draw a Vertical Line The Same Length as The Horizontal One in Step 1

How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 3

This line is continuing the tail shape of your inverted 'd' and it should be the same length as the first line you drew on your page.

TikTok Icon Aesthetic – How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 4 – Complete the Tail Shape with a Short Curved Line

Draw a short curved line which is roughly parallel with the curved line in Step 2. Finish where you meet the whole spine of the inverted 'd' shape making sure that you stop in line with the end of the first line you drew in Step 1. See picture or video to help.

TikTok Icon Aesthetic- How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 5 – Draw a Line Vertically Down the Page Before Curving Round to the Left

Now you can draw a vertical line to continue the spine of your TikTok icon before curving right round to the left to complete the 'semi-circle' of your 'd' shape, curling round in the direction of your spine again. Leave a decent gap between the end of this line and the spine of your 'd' shape.

TikTok Icon Aesthetic – How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 6 – Complete the Inside of Your Semi-Circle

Draw a vertical line downwards which is the same length as the lines you drew in Step 1 and Step 3. You can now draw a curved line to complete the inside of the 'semi-circle' until you reach the same level you started your curve. See the Video or Picture to help.

TikTok Icon Aesthetic – How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 7 Continue Upwards in A Straight Line

Now all you need to do is to continue your line parallel to the back of the spine of the icon moving vertically upwards towards to the line you started with in Step 1. You have now completed the main shape of the TikTok icon.

How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 4,5,6 and 7

TikTok Icon Aesthetic – How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 8 – Shade in the Semi-Circle in Blue

Now all we need to do is accentuate this main outline using a blue and then a red colour. Take your blue crayon/felt tip/pastel and shade in the inside of your semi-circle starting at the beginning of the inner semi-circle and ending halfway along the curve, as shown. You are effectively highlighting three areas with blue altogether.

How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 8

TikTok Icon Aesthetic – How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 9 – Shade in the Other Side of the Semi-Circle

It's time to shade in the other side of the semi-circle using the same blue colour extending the whole way along the inside up to the top of your icon. Then shade in the inside of the vertical line you started in Step 1. At the edge of the tail on the far right of your icon shade in the small area as the curve comes to an end and goes vertically down, as shown in the picture.

TikTok Icon Aesthetic – How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 10 – Using a Red Colour Trace the Outline 'Behind' Your D Shape

Starting at the top right of your shape make it look like there is a red shadow behind your shape, as shown in the picture. Trace your red shadow all the way round the shape leaving out areas where the red shadow would be covered up by the white shape. This will give the illusion that there is another red 'd' shape right behind your white shape. This is referred to as a 'drop-shadow.' See the time-lapse video to help you.

How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Step 9+10

If you wish you can now colour the background in with black to make your TikTok icon stand out all the more.

How to Draw the TikTok Logo – Completed Picture

Watch the 'TikTok Icon – How to Draw the TikTok logo' video here:

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Check out this other awesome Tiktok Drawing Tutorial here:

Or this one:

How To Draw Tiktok Logo


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